ITAM alumni among the most influential economists in Mexico, Forbes 2024
ITAM alumni among the most influential economists in Mexico, Forbes 2024
ITAM alumni among the most influential economists in Mexico, Forbes 2024
ITAM alumni among the most influential economists in Mexico, Forbes 2024
Oficina de Exalumnos
October 29, 2024

This year, 10 alumni of the Economics Undergraduate Program at ITAM are on the list of the most influential economists on the Mexican scene, both in the private and public sector. The list, made by the renowned magazine Forbes Mexico, contemplates the work of Mexican economists that currently have key leadership roles, particularly related to Mexico’s economic and financial challenges.

This way, Forbes Mexico identifies, for a second consecutive year, people with a wide trajectory in the economic field, whose capacity of influence in decision making will be determinant during the new six-year term. The ITAM alumni that are recognized by the magazine will have the ability to impact on public finances to reach higher economic growth rates, as well as impact in the negotiations of the USMCA that will take place in 2026 and in the granting of legal certainty to foreign investors. 

With great pride, we congratulate each and every one of the outstanding alumni of our institution, who with their example and success history inspire future generations to generate a change in the society.






Alejandro Padilla

Economics Undegraduate Program

Banorte Financial Group

Deputy Director of Economic and Financial Analysis

Alonso Cervera Lomeli

Economics Undegraduate Program

Santander Mexico

Deputy Director of Studies, Public Affairs and Communication

Carlos Serrano

Economics Undegraduate Program

BBVA Mexico

Chief economist

Irene Espinosa Castellano

Economics Undegraduate Program and Master's in Public Policy 

Bank of Mexico

Deputy Governor

Jessica Roldán

Economics Undegraduate Program

Finamex Brokerage Firm

Chief economist

José Carlos Sánchez

Economics Undegraduate Program

HSBC Mexico

Chief economist

Mariana Campos

Economics Undegraduate Program

Mexico Evalúa

General Director

Miriam Acuña Rodríguez

Economics Undegraduate Program and MBA

Grupo Bursátil Mexicano (GBM)

Chief economist

Sofía Ramírez Aguilar

Economics and Political Science Undegraduate Programs and Master's in Economics

México, ¿Cómo Vamos?

General Director

Valeria Moy

Economics Undegraduate Program

Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (Imco)

General Director


Congratulations to our alumni for for being one of the most influential economists in our country!